Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Christmas and Hardwood Floors

I don't really feel like writing anything, but here are some of my favorite pictures from the Christmas break. And for Amber: some pictures of Mom and Dad's new floors. :)

Lily "smiling" for the camera:

Video of Owen:

Owen with the cotton candy:

Sleepy little Luke! :) So cute and snuggly:

It snowed! Lily:

For Amber--Misty still does this:

The Wood Floors!


  1. Thanks for the post Mary! You know I love the picture of Misty :) And those floors really do look nice! I'm so glad you have a camera now

  2. The first time Misty did that to me I totally jumped. Freaked me out.
    I like the picture of Pie in the snow. Thanks for posting it.
