Friday, March 18, 2011


Here's the family at my graduation. Look how tiny both Owen and Lily were! (Lily was about 6 weeks old time flies huh?)

Some more happenings of late. I dyed my hair auburn. Here's the before shot:

And after:

I really like it! It was a bit crazy at first, and sadly it's faded a bit. But now that I always have to dye my hair because so much of it is...unfortunately quite gray, I think I'll probably stick with this color for a while. :)

Tuesday, January 25, 2011


Sorry about there being so much at once. Also, please excuse the wheeze. I wheeze when I laugh, like an old man. I realize it is disgraceful.


I drew Carolyn's. She drew mine. Does this really need an more of an explanation? It's obviously great fun and very funny.

What Are Men Compared to Rocks and Mountains?

Carolyn spent MLK Day weekend with me, and on the last day we went into the mountains. It's so nice, it's about a 15-20 minute drive to get into them. They are so close! And can I just say, it was a lot prettier in person. On the drive up, we heard this really loud grinding noise. It totally sounded like a bear growling. I would have loved to see one, but Carolyn was freaked out by it. In this video, we heard something move behind can't hear it in the video! We aren't crazy. .....Well...maybe we are!

We wanted to get out and play in it a bit. We didn't really prepare for that, but despite the cold and difficulty walking we had a good time. It was pretty hard to get to the path (where the snow had been packed down by all the snowshoe-ers.) There was a couple watching and enjoying our pain. They thanked us for the free entertainment! (But not in a mean way, they just made it funny.) If you notice her feet, they are totally sinking each step. There were places our feet would sink through a good foot and a half.

We had a snowball fight that I totally won. .... :) She just didn't know the best technique.
Cry, Carolyn, cry. Ha!

Her confession:

Carolyn's feelings before making her snow angel:

Can I just say? Snow up your shirt is cold. Especially when your cousin forces you to pose in it after having said snow shoved up your shirt. It was painful, but this picture is indeed awesome!

PINK!....or Fuschia. Whatever.

I think these pictures explain it all! :) I've been wanting to make all of the tips of my hair purple for quite a while now, and since Janet is here this semester and she did it with me the first time, doing it with her was just the perfect way to fulfill that desire. And then we thought Carolyn should definitely be there as well. Poor girl, she was terrified! Anyhow, we were running low on purple, and so got some pink.....I've decided if I ever cut my hair short like the picture on the box, I am going to dye my hair like her! It looks so awesome.

Janet ended up dying her hair a brown, and I put in highlights....which made her hair exceedingly poofy, and which....I'm sad to admit, ended badly. But Janet had it fixed and now her hair is beautiful. :) Sorry Janet!


After (yes, a weird face, but it was supposed to be weird! And it shows off the hair well):

And Carolyn's!:

It looks so stinkin' sweet! I love it so much. The guy I work with said that it was red, but I insist it's not. I know it looks it in the picture, but it really does look more pink. After much argument, and after my insisting it was pink, not red, we came to an agreement that it's fuschia. I don't mind fuschia.

Her are some pretty pictures of the mountains on campus! I love how close they are, especially when they are covered in snow.

My favorite:

This is my new favorite studying spot. It is quiet, bright, and right new to a wall of windows. It's nice, because then I don't feel like I'm stuck in a cave all day!

Monday, January 10, 2011

Wish I Could Do This!

I just love this video! Dancing is so much fun, and when I get back from my mission, I am definitely going to delve into contemporary dance. I just wish I could move like this. Also, showing off for my school, it was choreographed by BYU dancers, and animated by a BYU team.

Anyhow. :)

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Christmas and Hardwood Floors

I don't really feel like writing anything, but here are some of my favorite pictures from the Christmas break. And for Amber: some pictures of Mom and Dad's new floors. :)

Lily "smiling" for the camera:

Video of Owen:

Owen with the cotton candy:

Sleepy little Luke! :) So cute and snuggly:

It snowed! Lily:

For Amber--Misty still does this:

The Wood Floors!