Monday, November 15, 2010

Dimples, Butt-Chins, and Butts

So at 1:00 am last Friday night, Jen, Scott, Lisa and I were hanging out. Here's an example of one of our many conversations we had. I thought it was hilarious....hopefully you do too!

Lisa: Mary, I like your dimple.
Mary: Well, thanks!
Jen: Scott, do you have a dimple in your chin?
Scott: Uh....(not much response)
Mary: Oh, yeah, you do have a butt-chin!
Jen: A butt-chin? How rude! That sounds horrible....Mary, what if we said you have a butt-cheek?



Love it. We have some good laughs out here.


  1. Brian says he has a butt-chin too! hahaha

  2. If they aren't called butt-chins... then what are they called? And they totally do look like butts! However dimpled cheeks do not. (your dimples look very cute on you)
